Tuesday, March 16, 2010

5 commandments to a blissful week

1. Quit comparing and contrasting:       
Instead of comparing our lot with that of those who are more fortunate than we are, we should compare it with the lot of the great majority of our fellow men. It then appears that we are among the privileged.” Helen Keller. Everyone falls short in different areas of their lives. Your weakness might be someone else' strenght and vice versa. A boy of twenty will only be asking for cardic arrest when he compares himself with a man of fourty. It'll only be like “... comparing champagne with cognac. No-with Coca-Cola.” Maria Callas.

2. Have in mind, no problem lasts so long so enjoy the challenge:
Life isn't about living without problems.

Life is about solving problems.
” Tom Krause

3. Eliminate the people who create unnecessary stress in your life: 
You know the friend who's never happy about your successes, the one who always has a sarcastic comeback, the one who always demands from you but never gives. The squashingly protective boyfriend who won't let you have friends ( if he leaves you who'll you fall back on). That annoying colleague who subtly uses you to do miscallenous chores....need I go on? You know them. Eliminate. They're not good for your health. An open foe may prove a curse, but a pretended friend is worse.” John Gay

4. Forget all others for a day each week and do all things for yourself:
A man is called selfish, not for pursuing his own good, but for neglecting his neighbor's” Richard Whately. So, you're not being selfish. You're just moving everybody's problems to other days for the sake of your health. For your own good, but you're not ignoring them. Relax, unwind, sleep, get a spa treatment, get a massage, read a book, sing. For today, do what makes you happy and if they love you they'd leave you alone so that you're better able to handle their woes.

5. Contact a good old friend:
You know that true friend who makes you happy. Call him/her. Go visit. Spend time chatting. Could be a sibling, a parent, a mentor, a pen pal or just a real friend. Ah, how good it feels! The hand of an old friend.” Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
Sandal: Anne Michelle
Earrings: Local boutique
Shorts: Sonata
Top: Thrifted 
    Lots of Love!!!

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